Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Grow Fig Trees Indoors

Figs are not technically fruits but seed receptacles

The common fig tree--scientifically known as Ficus carica, also called the edible fig and the brown turkey fig--is a deciduous semitropical tree with gracefully spreading branches and lobed leaves. The delicious, bronze-colored figs it bears are technically not a type of fruit, but a synconium, or seed receptacle. Fig trees, which originated in the Mediterranean, adapt well to being grown in containers indoors and can be trimmed to keep their height to a manageable 4 feet. By providing your fig tree with proper conditions, you can have an attractive indoor tree that bears figs. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Select an indoor location for your fig tree in bright, indirect light--a few hours of direct morning sun can work well, too--in a place that is not exposed to drafts; avoid entryways. Under a south-facing window is ideal. Provide a pot that is at least 5 gallons in capacity, but take care that it is not disproportionately large compared to the fig tree's root ball. Figs are happier being somewhat snug in their pots and can even do well when a little root-bound. Use a good-quality commercial potting soil.

2. Water your fig tree, using room-temperature water, to keep the soil slightly moist at all times. When the very top layer of soil begins to look a little dry, this is a good indication that it's time to water. Irrigate until water comes out the bottom of the pot, then empty the saucer. To avoid root rot, do not allow your fig tree to sit in standing water.

3. Mist your fig tree daily with tepid water to provide humidity and prevent spider mite infestation.

4. Take your fig tree outdoors in the summer to benefit from the natural sunlight, warm temperatures and increased air circulation. Bring it back inside before danger of frost.

5. Watch for excessive and prolonged leaf loss, especially if it is not in reaction to a recent move. According to indoor-plant-care.com, this can be an indication of overwatering or insufficient light. Fig trees will sometimes lose some leaves when moved to a new environment, but this condition usually resolves in a month or two.

6. Feed your fig tree with a 1/2 tsp. of 15-15-15 fertilizer per gallon of water twice a month during the growing season. Don't fertilize your fig tree from late November through mid March.

7. Repot your fig tree every two to three years, adding 1 inch in diameter to the current pot size. Water the tree well before starting, so the root ball will hold together. Use fresh potting soil, and do not pack it too tightly; air needs to be able to get to the roots. Don't fertilize your fig tree for a month, to allow roots to establish themselves.

Tags: your tree, tree with, your tree with, fertilize your, fertilize your tree, potting soil, root ball