Friday, 8 May 2015

Armoire Definition

Armoire is a French term meaning "closet." Armoires were created before the modern era of built-in closets to store household goods. Today they are available in many different styles and are useful for storing everything from dresses to computer equipment. Does this Spark an idea?


An armoire is a piece of furniture that stores clothes, electronics and other household items. Armoires are large in size and typically consist of two large doors on the outside and shelves on the inside.


Armoires date back to the Dark Ages in France and are a descendant of chests. ( They were used in place of closets, which weren't invented until the 18th century, to store clothing and linens. (


Designs for armoires today accommodate clothing, computer workstations and entertainment systems. They are available at many furniture stores and can also be custom made to your specific needs.


Pocket doors are a useful feature when using an armoire as a television cabinet or workstation. Pocket doors fold back into the armoire and stay out of sight while you are watching television or working.


If you are using an armoire to store electronic equipment, you will need to drill holes in the back to allow the wires to pass through. Save the drilled out material to fill the holes in case you decide to use the armoire for another purpose.

Tags: available many, Pocket doors, using armoire