The "Moshi Monsters" Super Moshi Missions allow paid members to go on exclusive quests and win unique prizes. Bonkers the Moshling is a blue squirrel that appears in Super Moshi Mission 5. Although you cannot claim Bonkers for your own, you will need to know get Bonkers to come to you if you hope to finish the mission successfully. To return Lady Goo Goo's voice and win your own Holga Moshling, get Bonkers to climb down the pile of rubble on which he sits. He will show you the secret entrance to the Underground Disco.
1. Pick up the baby bottle, the pacifier and the rattle in Lady Goo Goo's room. Give them to Lady Goo Goo one at a time. Click on the disco ball above her to make her dance. She will give you a paparazzi photo. Afterward, you will automatically appear in front of the Underground Disco.
2. Show Bubba, the bouncer, the photo. Bubba won't let you into the Underground Disco through the front door, but he will tell you to chase the paparazzi Robo Quack. Robo Quack flies across the screen.
3. Chase after him. You will not be able to catch him. When Robo Quack flies off the screen, Bonkers will come down off the pile of rubble and ask you to speak to him.
Tags: Robo Quack, Underground Disco, Bonkers Moshling, down pile, down pile rubble