Thursday 1 October 2015

Help Homeless Youth

Youth homelessness is a major problem in the United States.

According to the National Coalition for the Homeless, homeless youth are defined as "individuals under the age of eighteen who lack parental, foster, or institutional care." The most recent study from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention was in 2002; it reported that the number of homeless youth in the United States was estimated at 1,682,900 individuals. Although the problem of youth homelessness is staggering, citizens can help end homelessness in their communities.


Help Homeless Youth

1. Fill paper bags with items a homeless youth can use.

Create care bags that contain pre-packaged snacks, socks, a travel toothbrush/toothpaste, soap and a washcloth. The bags should also include an emergency relief pamphlet from your local library or City Hall, which lists nearby soup kitchens and homeless shelters. Pass these bags out to local homeless youth.

2. Family restoration can be a solution for homeless youth.

Help homeless teens make appointments with programs that can meet longer-term needs such as stable housing, education, and family reconciliation or foster placement. Drive them to their appointments with these organizations, or provide them with bus passes and directions to the organization headquarters. (See Resource 1 for a directory of long-term aid organizations in every state.)

3. Raise awareness in your sphere of influence.

Raise awareness about youth homelessness in your community on a grassroots level by posting quotes and statistics about homelessness on social networking sites. Make a link to the National Coalition for the Homeless your automatic signature on outgoing links. Invite friends over for dinner and a brainstorming session on better serve homeless youth in your neighborhood.

Tags: homeless youth, appointments with, Coalition Homeless, Help Homeless, Help Homeless Youth, Homeless Youth, National Coalition