Friday 20 November 2015

Convert A Lanai To A Sunroom

A lanai is a Hawaiian porch

A lanai is a Hawaiian word, referring to an open porch attached to a home. It is designed to catch breezes and provide ventilation. A sunroom is a completely enclosed all-weather space, surrounded on three sides by windows. As most lanais are built from beam and post construction, you can convert them for use as a sunroom, by installing windows and framing in the walls. Converting a lanai into a sunroom could increase the value of your home, as it may add to the interior square footage. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Measure the width of the exterior of the lanai area, with a measuring tape, to determine the amount of lumber needed to add headers between the lanai posts and plywood sheeting.

2. Cut a piece of 2-by-4 lumber with a circular saw, so it fits between the spacing on the lanai posts.

3. Nail 2-by-4 headers three feet above the floor, in between the lanai posts, to create a ledge to support a window.

4. Install another 2-by-4 header above the window ledge, the same height as the window that you are going to install.

5. Insert the window into the opening, according to the manufacturer's instructions.

6. Repeat these steps for all other post spaces.

7. Cover all other exposed spaces with plywood, to completely enclose the lanai.

8. Cover the exterior plywood with weather-proof sheeting, according to the manufacturer's instructions.

9. Install vinyl or aluminum siding over the exterior of the lanai, to complete the exterior of the sunroom.

10. Finish the interior of the sunroom with carpeting, drywall or wood paneling.

Tags: lanai posts, according manufacturer, according manufacturer instructions, between lanai, between lanai posts, exterior lanai, lanai Hawaiian