In Resident Evil, police officers Chris and Jill, along with their team, are abandoned in the woods while on a mission. They make their way into an isolated mansion for safety, but soon discover it's full of zombies and monsters. After narrowly escaping plenty of disasters, the duo finds that one of their number is a traitor. Worse, he's got a nasty surprise waiting for them---a hideously mutated monster dubbed "Tyrant."
1. Equip the Magnum revolver or the shotgun and shoot at the Tyrant until he starts running toward you.
2. Keep your distance from the Tyrant. When he gets close to you, he swipes his long claws at you. This attack has a very long range and can hit you if you're too close. The attack does a large amount of damage. If you get hit, use a first aid spray or herb immediately.
3. Continue shooting at the Tyrant until your teammate, Brad, throws a rocket launcher to you.
4. Pick up the rocket launcher. Wait until he tries to swipe at you, or manages to grab your partner, Rebecca. When he's busy, fire the rocket launcher at him to kill him and end the battle.
Tags: rocket launcher, Resident Evil, Tyrant until