In order to become a ninja in Club Penguin you must beat Sensei in Card-Jitsu. This can be particularly frustrating because it's impossible to do so until you meet certain prerequisites. Even after you meet them, the difficulty of Sensei is designed to scale down with subsequent matches; it pretty much guarantees you'll lose a number of times anyway. The number of battles you'll need to play before being able to win is about five to eight.
1. Obtain the rank of black belt in Card-Jitsu before you attempt to battle Sensei; otherwise you'll lose every time. To obtain a black belt you need to win 88 games of Card-Jitsu.
2. Talk to Sensei and select "Sensei mode" to begin battle. Use Water and Snow cards; Sensei tends to lean toward Fire. There is a touch of randomness to his strategies, however, so vary up your strategy if what you're using doesn't seem to work.
3. Continue to repeatedly challenge Sensei; you'll no doubt lose the first few times. He will get weaker with every battle and start making mistakes. Eventually you'll be able to beat him and become a ninja.
Tags: become ninja, black belt, Club Penguin