Thursday, 10 September 2015

Build A Corner Cabinet

Sometimes space in the home is tight. If you want to maximize the space you do have, you should think about creating a corner cabinet to display or store items in your home. Building a corner cabinet is easy for even a beginning in the workshop, and the result is a beautiful cabinet. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Determine the dimensions of your corner cabinet based how large you want it to be.

2. Figure out how much wood you will need. At the very least, you'll need a square of wood to be cut in half to create the top and base, two rectangles that measure he side of the square by the desired height, and an additional square for every two shelves.

3. Purchase wood at a lumberyard.

4. Purchase other supplies like paint or stain and nails or screws.

5. Measure and cut each piece of wood so that you have a top, bottom and two sides.

6. Measure and cut shelves the same size as the top and bottom of the cabinet, minus the ply of the wood.

7. Attach sides, top and bottom.

8. Attach the shelves.

9. Paint or stain the wood to match your personal preferences.

Tags: corner cabinet