Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Build Playscale Doll Furniture

Generally, there are two different types of doll-houses: miniature, and play or toy. Miniature doll houses are usually collector's items and are built true to scale. Play doll-houses are not true to scale and generally built larger. This makes it easier for the items to be handled and played with. A great way to add more furniture to a little girl's doll-house is to make your own. If you are good with wood working tools, consider making play scale pieces. Other options include drawing your own designs on heavy cardboard stock or construction paper.


1. Make measurements of the rooms and write down the furniture you want to make and its height and width.

2. Gather the materials and spread them out in a location where you have plenty of room to work.

3. Draw the outline of the furniture or print the shapes if you prefer. You can make all of the outlines first and then cut them out one at a time.

4. Cut out the play scale furniture. Before attaching any pieces (to make them stand up), color and decorate. If you are having a little one help you, let them decorate the pieces while you continue cutting them out.

5. Attach any parts, lamp-shades, or table legs (you can use tooth-picks for the legs) with glue and / or tape and set aside to dry.

6. Place in the doll-house and watch the little one enjoy playing with the new furniture.

Tags: play scale, true scale