In "Moshi Monsters," an online game geared toward children, players can adopt and care for their own pet monsters. Throughout the game, puzzles need to be solved to earn rox, a currency used to buy items for their pets, such as food, clothing, seeds and items for their homes. Seeds can be planted to attract moshlings, little pets for your monster. Moshlings can also be found in various places around Monstro City, including a lost moshling egg. To find the lost moshling egg players must complete a mission.
1. Click on the map on the right side of the screen and select "Super Moshi Volcano."
2. Go into the volcano and click on the brown creature in the center of the room. He is an elder furi and will be holding a brown stick with rainbow rox attached to it. Click on "Lost Moshling Egg."
3. Wait as you are transported to Buster Bumblechops' home. Click on a ripped piece of fabric on the left side of the screen.
4. Find a small purple rock sitting on top of some footprints and the magnifying glass from the green drawers on the right side of the screen.
5. Give Buster Bumblechops the material, rock and magnifying glass. Open your bag and drag each item over to him.
6. Go to the door just to the right of Buster Bumblechops and click on the keys. Drag the keys to the green cabinet and open it.
7. Take a silver cog from the cabinet and drag it over to the rope handle to the right of Buster Bumblechops.
8. Turn the light off by clicking the switch. Click on the green branch with white spikes that appears and the mission is complete.
Tags: Buster Bumblechops, side screen, items their, magnifying glass, Moshi Monsters, right Buster, right Buster Bumblechops