Tuesday 15 December 2015

Create A French Country Garden

When we turn our minds to the French countryside, we often think of picturesque landscapes and quaint gardens. Indeed, many modern gardeners take their inspiration from the charming and romantic garden spaces of France. Whether you would like to create a cozy garden atmosphere in a space as small as a patio or as large as your entire backyard, you too can create a French country garden. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Select your French country garden decoration before beginning to plant. A few elements that can add to the atmosphere of your cozy garden space might include a hand-painted wall mural, garden statues, birdbaths, fountains or stone pathways to create old world charm. When setting paths, make sure they wind and weave, and are not set in a straight line. Remember that French country gardens use stones, sculptures and plants to fill every nook and cranny to create a cozy and romantic space.

2. Choose your vine plants first, carefully planning how and where you would like them to grow. Consider a trellised arch-way covered in climbing roses, standard ivy to cover large walls or fences and a covered porch to hold your grapevine. Remember that while French country gardens fill almost every space with plants, they are also well kept. Vine plants should be well maintained, and not allowed to take over the garden.

3. Consider planting a small fruit orchard or row of nut-bearing trees if you have the space, a popular feature in classic French country gardens. Apple, cherry, plum and walnut are all nice choices for your garden space.

4. Fill flower beds with herbs and medicinal plants that you can use in your kitchen, such as mint, thyme, rosemary, chamomile and more. If you have enough room, a small vegetable garden is another common feature in a French country garden.

5. Incorporate geraniums, petunias and roses into your space, popular and timeless flowers found in almost every French country garden. You can plant these flowers in window boxes and terra cotta pots to fill your remaining spaces and add color to your garden.

6. Add the final touch to your garden, a small bistro table and chairs for enjoying an afternoon tea in your beautiful garden.

Tags: French country, country garden, country gardens, French country, French country gardens, your garden, almost every