Friday, 7 November 2014

Build Custom Entertainment Center Plans

Measure your components to plan a custom cabinet.

There is no need to hire a professional to build a custom entertainment center. If you have measurements for the items you'll have on the entertainment center, such as the TV and stereo, you can create a plan for an entertainment center. All it takes to create a plan are a few simple supplies. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Think about what you want the entertainment center to hold as far a storage goes. Include shelves in your plan to store movies, etc. on the side of the center and across the bottom. Measure the TV that will be placed on the entertainment center. Find its width and height. Do the same for the stereo and any other items you may have that will be a part of the entertainment center.

2. Decide how tall you want the entertainment center to be, and how long. Use the measurements of the things that will be stored on it to help you do this, and remember to think about wide you want the shelves to be. Include the shelf space at the bottom of the unit.

3. Make a box on the paper using a ruler and a pencil, according to how tall and long the entertainment center will be. Draw in the bottom shelf by making a line 1 foot up, drawn as 1 centimeter, from the bottom edge of the box, horizontally across the box. On one side, pencil in a box that is 2 inches bigger than your TV on all sides. Draw in a box for the stereo that is 2 inches taller and wider than the stereo measurements. Do this for all other electronics.

4. Draw in the shelves, making them as far apart as you desire.

5. Look at the lines as if they were boards. Use the measurements to help you know how long the boards should be, converting the centimeters back into inches. Think of how an entertainment center is made with a top and bottom board, side boards, a center support board, and then shelves. Build the unit from your plans using boards 16 inches wide and an inch thick.

Tags: entertainment center, that will, create plan, items have, that inches