Finished headboard
Assembling a headboard doesn't have to mean four hours of sweat and frustration. This headboard can be designed to match any bedroom, and will easily fit into adult or child decor. It looks nicer than discount store furniture, and is cheaper than high end furniture stores, saving money that can be used to purchase other items for the bedroom. Does this Spark an idea?
1. Cut a piece of 1" x 4" poplar lumber to 58" length with a miter saw. This will be the top cross piece. Cut two more boards for the side pieces to 48- 1/2". Lastly, cut the fourth board for the bottom rail to 51". To determine the length of the vertical center piece, measure the height between the top and bottom rails.
2. Lay the pieces on the floor in position. Using a carpenter's pencil mark a line across both joints. This gives a match location for the biscuit slots. Use the biscuit joiner to cut a slot at each mark. Use the glue brush to place glue in the slot and on the biscuit. Push the boards together and clamp tight.
3. Cut four 1" x 3" boards to length as insert panels per square section of the main frame. Fit the boards into place on the outside panel of the main frame. Drill pilot holes followed by a countersink and attach. Use wood glue and 1 1/4" drywall glue to secure.
4. Cut two sheets of luan plywood to fit each section of the main frame. Attach the window shade material to the two sheets with cement glue. Insert the panels into the main frame and secure with small screws.
5. Choose a paint or stain color. Paint or stain the headboard. Allow to dry before attaching to a bed frame.
Tags: main frame, section main, section main frame