Friday, 6 March 2015

Draw Furniture Into House Plans

Draw Furniture Into House Plans

Planning a room can be a daunting task, but if you draw a plan for furniture placement, you will be on your way to a well-designed room. Remember that drawing a layout for a room does not require exceptional artistic skill. All you need is the ability to use a pencil and a ruler to draw straight lines and shapes. Does this Spark an idea?


Drawing a furniture plan

1. Before starting to draw, you need to know the measurements of your room so that you can draw to scale. Use a tape measure to measure each wall in the room. If the room has built-in shelving or alcoves, include these. Measure each door and window, and note where outlets are placed. (You might need a friend to help you with this step by holding the other end of the tape.)

2. Using graph paper and a scale in which one square is equal to 1 square foot. This helps you plan effectively, because your measurements appear on your paper as they do in your room. Start with the paper oriented the same way as your room, so that the longest edge of the paper shows your longest wall. Start four squares in, and draw your wall. If your wall is 14 feet long, draw a line that is 14 squares long. Continue doing this until your room materializes on the paper before you.

3. Measure all the furniture you have in your room or the furniture you want to buy. Draw your furniture in bird's eye view (top view) on a separate piece of graph paper, using the same scale you used for your room. If you want, you can color your furniture to help you better visualize your room. Cut the furniture out.

4. Arrange your furniture on paper. Play around with all kinds of layouts until you find the best one. Now you're ready to work on your real room, with the perfect plan in hand.

Tags: your room, your furniture, Draw Furniture, Draw Furniture Into, Furniture Into