Thursday, 4 December 2014

How Do You Clean Dura Suede Furniture

Dura Suede is a man-made suede leather fabric. Made from 100 percent polyester, Dura Suede provides a durable, less expensive alternative to leather suede furniture. Weekly maintenance extends the life of your furniture, and you can even do a deep-clean at home. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Vacuum your Dura Suede furniture with the soft brush attachment of your vacuum. Remove cushions to vacuum the base of your furniture.

2. Apply upholstery shampoo to an inconspicuous place (behind the furniture or under a cushion). Rub it with a soft brush and allow it to dry. Wipe off dry shampoo with a damp cloth. If the upholstery looks the same, it is safe to proceed with the rest of your furniture.

3. Apply upholstery shampoo to any stains with a white cloth. Rub in a circular motion and allow the shampoo to dry. Clean the rest of the couch following the procedure outlined in step 2. Use a moist but not wet cloth to rinse upholstery shampoo off. Getting the furniture wet can cause shrinkage or damage.

4. Vacuum the couch carefully once you have removed the shampoo. This will remove any excess upholstery shampoo.

Tags: Dura Suede, upholstery shampoo, your furniture, Apply upholstery, Apply upholstery shampoo