The most inexperienced dancers can conquer the dance floor on "SmallWorlds."
"SmallWorlds" is a virtual world where you can socialize and earn tokens while playing arcade games and missions, streaming media, participating in contests, crafting new items, using magic and dancing. Although every player receives three dance emotes with default movements, VIP members can edit the settings to create a custom dance. The editing interface allows you to test different combinations of arm, leg and head movements. Customize the dance further by controlling the speed of the movement and the angle your avatar's body faces when you perform a move.
1. Log in to your "SmallWorlds" account and enter into any space. Click on your avatar and select the footsteps icon.
2. Open the tab containing the dance you want to change. Click the minus symbol to delete the existing moves. The first slot will always remain and can be edited.
3. Select the desired head position from the first drop-down list. Example positions include "head forward," "head full left" and "head half right."
4. Choose your avatar's upper body movements from the "Arms" drop-down list. Possible animations include clapping, pointing and swinging one or both of the avatar's arms.
5. Select a leg animation from the next list, such as "walk," "left raise" or "right swing."
6. Set a speed for the movement using the "Pause" drop-down list. Choose a time span between one and ten seconds.
7. Select the direction the avatar will face when it performs the move from the "Angle" list. The angles available depend on the previous body movements you selected.
8. Click the plus sign to add a new step. Repeat steps three through seven to create more dance moves. Press the play button once you have more than one step to preview the moves you created.
9. Observe the moves to make sure they flow comfortably from one to the next. Click on a move to edit its settings if necessary. You can modify the dance at any time while your membership is active. Save the settings.
Tags: drop-down list, your avatar, body movements, edit settings, from next, speed movement