A portable band saw is a type of electrical power saw with a thin blade ideal for cutting through angled pieces of wood. The blade is a metal hoop less than 1/2 inch wide that has saw teeth all along one edge. Band saws can cut through many different materials, such as wood, metal, plastic and even glass, depending on the type of blade used. Band saws also cut rounded and curved shapes easily and precisely. Safe operation of a band saw means knowing how it works and change the blades.
Installing the Blade
1. Inspect the blade before attaching it to the saw. Make sure the blade is not chipped, warped or cracked. Dispose of broken blades. Use only blades that are in like-new condition. Choose the correct blade for the material you intend to cut. Standard metal blades work for wood and plastic. Diamond blades can cut metal or glass.
2. Find the two screws on either side of the saw where the two sides of the blade attach at the base of the saw. Loosen the screws that hold the blade in place by turning them clockwise. Remove the stop plate from the saw and set it aside.
3. Slide a new blade between the loosened screws. Turn the attachment screws counterclockwise to hold the blade tightly in place.
4. Install the stop plate over the blade. Bolt the stop plate over the bottom side of the band saw blade with a hex wrench.
5. Lubricate the saw blade with cutting wax. This will help the blade cut more evenly into the wood.
Using the Blade
6. Prepare the work area. Use the band saw blades only on flat, stable and dry areas of a room. Use a sturdy surface for the cutting base. A workbench is ideal. Make sure there is no clutter or even sawdust, which can hamper the operation of the saw near the cutting area.
7. Secure the item you wish to cut so it will not shift or move. Use vise grips to hold the item in place or anchor it on a firm cutting surface.
8. Plug the band saw in and turn it on. Pull the trigger switch located inside the saw handle to start moving the saw blade. Hold the trigger handle with your right hand and the handle located on the front of the saw with your left hand. Never operate the saw with one hand.
9. Hold the stopper plate against the piece that you want to cut. Do not allow the saw blade to touch the work piece until the blade has reached full speed.
10. Lower the blade at a 45 degree angle to make the cut. Apply gentle pressure to cut through the material. Raise the blade when you're finished making the cut.
Tags: stop plate, Band saws, blade with, blades only, hold blade, Make sure, plate over