Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Finish Teak Furniture

Finishing teak furniture is a two-part process.

Teak wood is often used for outdoor furniture because it is durable and has a high oil content, which makes it water resistant. However, teak is still susceptible to other damaging factors such as dirt and animal droppings. Finishing your teak furniture with a coating of tung oil will help guard it from everything that could damage it. Does this Spark an idea?


1. If your teak furniture is not new, you need to remove surface dirt before you can apply a finish. Mix a few drops of dish soap with water in a bucket and clean the wood thoroughly. Allow the wood to dry for 4 hours before continuing.

2. Rub the entire surface of the wood with a copper or brass wool pad. Run a tack cloth over the surface of the wood to remove any wool or wood dust.

3. Apply teak brightener to the surface of the wood. Allow the solution to sit for about 10 minutes, and then wipe it away with a soft cloth. The wood should now be at least one shade brighter than it was before. This is especially beneficial for wood that has sat outside for several months and has grayed.

4. Pour some tung oil over the surface of the wood. Using a soft cloth, work the oil into the wood until it will no longer absorb any more oil. This can take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour for one piece of furniture. Allow the oil to dry for 2 hours.

5. Apply a second coat of oil over the first. Generally, this coat takes less time to apply because the pores of the wood are now full. Allow the oil to dry overnight before using your furniture.

Tags: surface wood, your teak furniture, over surface, over surface wood, soft cloth, teak furniture