Power Twitter
is a Firefox add-on (browser plugin) that changes the way your Twitter page looks in Firefox. It improves your Twitter display considerably by expanding what you see and your ability to search. Here are steps for using Power Twitter.
1. Open Firefox and use it to download the Power Twitter add-on (see link in Resources below).
2. After downloading, install the new browser plugin. Then you must restart Firefox. When Firefox restarts, go to your Twitter page.
3. It will take a few moments while Power Twitter is added. When it finishes, the Twitter logo will change to show the logo in this image.
4. Now your Twitter page will automatically show images from Flickr and YouTube on the page instead of as links. The image shows my own Twitter page with images from Flickr and an expanded URL.
5. Links that were added to Twitter using tinyurl will now be displayed as normal links with sensible link text that you can read before deciding to click.
6. When you search on a username using @username, you now find any Tweet with that username anywhere in the Tweet.
Tags: Power Twitter, Twitter page, your Twitter, your Twitter page, browser plugin, from Flickr