Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Get A Hard Hat On Club Penguin Without Being A Member

Enter the virtual world of Club Penguin.

Club Penguin, an online game and social network, is both challenging and fun. It is a good way to sharpen hand-eye coordination and to make new friends. Players control a customizable penguin avatar and play games, interact with other players around the world and search for rare and hidden items like the hard hat.


1. Log on to Club Penguin and choose any server. There are usually many servers to choose from.

2. Your avatar will appear in the middle of town. Select the map button on the lower left-hand side of the screen and choose "Plaza."

When you reach the plaze, enter the manhole next to the petshop. This will take you to the pool.

3. You can customize the look of your penguin with items like the hard hat.

At the pool, turn right into the mine. Go straight up. You'll enter a room with a lot of lightbulbs. Walk to the two hardhats hanging on the wall. You will receive a hardhat.

Tags: Club Penguin, items like, items like hard, like hard