Monday 27 October 2014

Diy Patterns For Baby Furniture

Building a crib for your own child can be fairly simple, given a good pattern.

Building your own furniture can be a highly rewarding experience, and few such projects are as rewarding as building a crib or high chair for your own baby. Before you begin, however, you need to have a plan -- and unless you have years of woodworking experience, creating your own pattern is probably not a good idea. Fortunately, you can find do-it-yourself plans for baby furniture all over the Internet, often at no charge whatsoever. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Browse through the list of plans on the Woodworkers Workshop website. This site offers links to free plans from several different websites, allowing you to find what you're looking for all in one place. Most of the plans listed are for rocking or hanging cradles, with a few cribs thrown into the mix as well.

2. Look at the patterns listed on the Free Woodworking Plans site. This is similar to the Woodworkers Workshop site, but with a wider variety of baby furniture types, with fewer plans in each category. The site includes plans for cribs, cradles, high chairs, changing tables and numerous types of play furniture from forts to wooden vehicles.

3. Purchase plans from a commercial website if you prefer to use a professionally made pattern. The two most prominent companies in this category are Rockler and Woodcraft. Rockler offers several crib and cradle plans, while Woodcraft includes a wider selection with changing tables and seating for small children.

Tags: changing tables, plans from, Woodworkers Workshop