Thursday, 30 October 2014

Do It Yourself Centerpieces For Bar Mitzvah

A bar mitzvah is a Jewish rite of passage for a 13-year-old boy.

A centerpiece is an opportunity to bring the room together at a bar mitzvah. If you want to add a personal touch while sticking to your budget, then making your own centerpiece might be the solution. Design the centerpiece to reflect or highlight part of the event, such as the Torah portion, the mitzvah project or a general party theme. For the latter, consider your son's interests. If he loves playing in the sand at the beach, for example, then a lighthearted ocean theme could be used for the centerpiece.


Beach Theme

1. Spread a small fishing net in the center of the table. Ensure it doesn't cover too much of the table.

2. Various toys suffice.

Fill one medium-sized plastic pail with 10 to 15 sand toys. The pail should overflow with toys, adding height to the centerpiece.

3. Attach three toy shovels, one spade, 20 plastic star fish, 20 small seashells and any extra toys to the pail using double-stick tape. Use enough tape so that the toys don't fall off during the event.

4. Inflate an inner tube, and place it around the pail and toys on the table.

5. Sprinkle a light dusting of sand across the centerpiece. Two cups of sand should be enough.

Baseball Theme

6. Glue one 12-inch square piece of indoor/outdoor grass to one 12-inch square piece of plastic foam with a glue gun. Use the glue gun's low heat setting. These materials form a replica of a baseball diamond.

7. Cut three small bases and one small home plate from white cardboard. Glue one to each corner of the baseball diamond.

8. A small baseball bat enhances the centerpiece.

Secure an 18-inch wooden bat to the middle of the baseball diamond using the glue gun. Glue so that the barrel of the bat sticks upward and the bat's handle is on the baseball diamond.

9. Glue one small, felt pennant that displays the logo of your son's favorite baseball team to the middle of the baseball bat.

10. The small batting hat is in the style of a helmet.

Glue a small plastic batting hat that includes the logo of your son's favorite baseball team to the baseball diamond.

11. Place one baseball next to the plastic batting hat on the baseball diamond. Add a baseball card to the arrangement.

Elegant Centerpiece

12. Candles make a centerpiece elegant.

Put one 8-inch-square mirror in the center of the table.

13. Place nine 2-inch miniature cube votive candle holders in the square mirror. Arrange them in three rows, with each row containing three candle holders.

14. Drop one tea light into each votive candle holder.

15. Scatter multicolored jewels around the votive candle holders. Use enough jewels to cover the mirror.

16. Light each candle for the bar mitzvah.

Tags: baseball diamond, candle holders, votive candle, 12-inch square, 12-inch square piece