Friday 31 October 2014

Hints For Sims 2 Pets On Nintendo Ds

The best-selling simulation game series continues on the Nintendo DS with "Sims 2: Pets." In this game, you play as a pet doctor starting a new clinic. You have to learn treat and cure the illnesses and ailments of the various pets brought into the clinic. Some hints and tips prove useful in this endeavor.

Fill Your Energy

Your doctor becomes tired without any rest, and it is better to help pets when his energy level is higher. If your Sim's energy level drops, have him go take a nap on the bed to refill it during the day.

Cure the Flu

Use the stethoscope on the pet to determine if it has the flu. Cure the influenza by buying pet medicine from the "Vets B Us" catalog. Treat the patient for three days with the medicine and the flu should clear up.

Kill Fleas

Fleas can be a nuisance to both pets and their owners. Brush the pet with a comb while examining it to determine if it has fleas. Order flea shampoo out of the "Frugal Felines" catalog. Wash the pet using the shampoo for three days to get rid of the fleas.

Clean a Pet

The game considers filth an illness. It may seem a strange category for an ailment, but it's your Sim's job to deal with it. If the owner tells you that his pet smells when he brings it to the clinic, it's time for a bath. Use cat or dog shampoo for the corresponding animal, and keep it for one day to rid the pet of the filth.

Tags: energy level, Sims Pets, three days