Monday 8 September 2014

Delete A Jc Penney Registry

JCPenney offers gift registries for nearly a dozen types of events.

The department store chain JCPenney offers a gift registry service for events ranging from weddings to babies, housewarming to graduation. Users can create registries online or in store; however, regardless of where you create a registry, you can delete it only by contacting JCPenney directly.


1. Write down all the pertinent information regarding your registry before contacting JCPenney. This information includes the registrant's name, the co-registrant's name (if applicable), the type of event and the date of the event. You'll need to provide this information to the company.

2. Call JCPenney's customer service line at 1-800-JCP-GIFT (1-800-527-4438). The customer service representative will ask for your account information. Be clear that you want to delete the registry entirely, and not just delete items from it.

3. Email the company at List the information pertinent to your registry. Be clear in your email that you wish to delete your registry from JCPenney's system.

4. Visit your nearest JCPenney store (see Resource section) to delete your registry in person. Go to the customer service desk at the store and tell the service representative that you wish to delete your registry from JCPenney's listings.

Tags: your registry, customer service, delete your, delete your registry, contacting JCPenney