Friday 26 September 2014

How Big Is A Tatami

How Big is a Tatami?

A tatami mat is a traditional Japanese floor covering typically made out of a core of rice straw wrapped with a covering of grass rush. (Modern versions may use a core of fiberboard.) The grass is woven into a springy yet solid surface that may be bordered by cotton. Most Japanese homes have at least one tatami room. Does this Spark an idea?


A standard, full-sized tatami mat measures 35.5 by 71 inches (or about 3 by 6 feet). A half size measures 35.5-inches square.


Japanese rooms are often measured by the number of tatami mats they can contain. For example, a six-tatami room measures about 12 feet by 9 feet and can fit six mats.


Much of Japanese furniture is designed to rest on a mat. For example, a futon is more comfortable when placed on a tatami.


Tatamis absorb water during high humidity and release it again when the air is dryer. The mats also provide natural insulation.


Take mats outside at least once every quarter for drying in the sun. Rotate them around the regularly to minimize wear, especially in high-traffic areas.

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