A massage recliner is a chair that massages you while you sit. These chairs come in all shapes and sizes from a variety of different companies, which can be overwhelming if you are in the market for one. There are a number of factors to consider when setting out to purchase a massage chair that should influence your decision as to which one to purchase. Does this Spark an idea?
1. Consider the price of any massage reclining chair you're thinking of purchasing. Think about just how much a massage chair is worth to you, and then try to translate that into a dollar amount. Massage chairs can be both cheap and expensive depending on the unit, ranging anywhere from a few hundred dollars to over a thousand dollars. Cheaper units obviously do less than more expensive units will.
2. Find out exactly what is being massaged. Certain massage chairs only massage your back and nothing else. Other chairs may only massage your mid or upper back and not have any massaging capabilities on your lower back. More expensive chairs may massage your entire back and your legs at the same time. Not all massage chairs are equal in this regard.
3. Look at how far back a massage recliner can actually recline. Certain chairs can only recline into one position, similar to the way a chair in a movie theater or a chair on an airplane reclines. Other chairs may be "full reclining," which means that they recline to the point where you are essentially laying down instead of sitting. Think about how far you want to be able to recline and then purchase a chair accordingly.
Tags: chairs only, massage your, chair that, chairs only massage, massage chair, massage recliner, only massage