You shouldn't have to pay through the nose for free country craft patterns.
Part of the fun of craft projects is that they can save you money, in comparison to purchasing similar items from over-priced boutiques. When it comes to getting patterns and instructions for such projects, paying for them defeats the money saving purpose. Television programs and magazines can be a great source of free projects and patterns, and, luckily, the Internet abounds with websites that have free patterns and projects for country crafts. While regular crafts can have any style, country crafts refer to homemade craft projects that have a rustic appearance made out of materials such as wood, twine, quilt squares, or things found in or relating to nature.
Aside from offering a ton of free crochet and needlepoint patterns, the website has lots of free country crafts projects and patterns. For example, to make a gingerbread swag, the website not only provides step by step instructions, but gives you a pattern at the bottom of the page, that you can click on and print out. Other free crafts on the website include country angels, strawberry coasters, spice ropes and calico cats.
1 Stop Free Shop
The website has links to free patterns and crafts projects at other websites. While not all of the items listed are country crafts, many of them are, and you just need to scan the page quickly to deduce this. For example, the website boasts patterns for a birdhouse wreath, snowflakes, stained glass and country baskets.
The Artful Crafter
The website has a large selection of free craft patterns and projects, half of which are, specifically, country crafts. These projects include things like the country critter wall plaque, holiday potpourri jars, flower fairies, heart-shaped quilted wish pillows and bed skirts. The non-country crafts can easily be adapted to be more representative of country crafts by choosing different materials, fabrics or themes. These crafts include things like decorating old Altoids tins, beaded napkin rings or faux rose topiaries. All crafts have detailed instructions and patterns, when necessary.
Tags: country crafts, website http, craft patterns, craft projects, craft projects that