Thursday, 4 September 2014

Dispose Of Mattress Box Spring

You just purchased a new bed, top mattress and box spring. Everything is set up, and your bedroom is complete. You put the old top mattress in your guest bedroom. One problem: You don't know what to do with your old mattress box spring. Disposing of your old mattress box spring is easy---just donate it to a worthy cause. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Call your local Salvation Army or local charity that helps people in need (homeless shelter, women's shelter or children's agency).

2. Arrange a pickup date and time with the representative at the local charity or organization.

3. Ask if the donation is tax deductible. If so, ask for receipt for tax purposes.

4. Wipe down the mattress box spring with a clean towel to remove any dust, dirt or debris. Make sure the lining on the bottom of the box spring is stapled and not hanging.

5. Move the mattress box spring to a garage or other area where the local charity can easily pick it up.

6. Accept the receipt or thank you once a representative from the charity or organization has arrived and has picked up the mattress box spring.

Tags: mattress spring, local charity, your mattress spring, charity organization, your mattress