Players of the online game "SmallWorlds" create their own avatars.
"SmallWorlds" is a virtual online game where players create their own avatars, go on missions, buy things from the stores or just hang around with friends. Players earn tokens by accomplishing various chores; the tokens can be used for purchases of clothes and other items. But many items require "gold" for purchase and gold is harder to come by. One way to win a lot of gold is to hit the 100,000-gold jackpot on the "Spin to Win" game, but the chances of winning are pretty slim.
1. Log in to your Small Worlds account and click on the "Spin to Win" link at the bottom of your screen. The "Spin to Win" game will appear.
2. Click the "Play Now" button. The "Spin to Win" wheel will appear.
3. Click the "Spin Now" button. The wheel will start to turn. When the wheel stops, a message will appear stating which prize you won. You will always win something, even if it is only game tokens. You must click the "OK" button to get the prize.
4. Spin the wheel again every six hours for another chance to win the 100,000 gold. A timer will appear on the "Spin to Win" game showing how much time must elapse before you can spin again.
Tags: will appear, Spin game, appear Click, create their, create their avatars, online game, Small Worlds