Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Grow Indoor Orange Trees

Many people enjoy fresh oranges and would love to grow their own fruit trees. However, if you live in an apartment or an area where you don't have the land to devote to a small orchard, you may wonder if you can grow indoor orange trees. To accomplish this, you will need to purchase the appropriate indoor gardening materials. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Purchase seeds for indoor orange trees. Home and garden stores have varieties of these particular seeds. Dwarf trees will produce small fruit, but are manageable for indoor spaces. If you have a large indoor space, you can consider a larger variety that will eventually produce full-size fruit. Alternatively, purchase a grafted orange that is on dwarf rootstock. The tree will stay small, but produce full-size fruit in a shorter time.

2. Buy a large, sturdy pot and potting soil. Although indoor orange trees will not grow as large as outdoor trees, they need a pot large enough to accommodate growth. Many of the dwarf indoor trees can grow to approximately 4 feet tall.

3. Place indoor orange trees near windows or balconies because they need sunlight. If this is not possible, buy artificial fluorescent grow light bulbs for the room where the orange trees will grow.

4. Keep plants away from heating and cooling vents. Orange trees grown indoors can become damaged from the air and heating coming from vents.

5. Maintain temperatures of 55 degrees F. This is the ideal temperature to grow indoor orange trees, because it mimics subtropical temperatures.

6. Use humidifier to add moisture to the orange trees. Citrus trees thrive in humid areas, so, to grow indoor orange trees, you need to mimic this environment.

7. Set orange trees outside for at least four hours a day during the summer. Orange trees grown indoors need to get outside as much as possible when the weather is warm.

8. Reduce pests on orange trees grown indoors by keeping plants well fertilized and well watered.

9. Repot orange trees grown indoors. Annual repotting of indoor plants helps keep them healthy and allows them to grow. Replacing some of the soil with new soil helps the roots to keep aerated and also provides nutrition for the tree. A tree grown from seed may take 10 years or more to produce fruit. If you buy a tree that is several years old, you will get fruit much sooner.

Tags: orange trees, indoor orange, indoor orange trees, grown indoors, trees grown