Antique guitars in good condition can carry a high value.
The term "antique guitar" refers to an original guitar that predates 1970. Antique or vintage guitars were generally created between 1920 and 1970. Guitars from before 1920 are considered too primitive for most collectors. It is important to research individual guitars to establish their history and potential value. There are a few ways to determine if a guitar is antique or not.
1. Evaluate the guitar closely. Is the material difficult to find or commonly used? For example, Brazilian rosewood was commonly used on guitars until the 1960s but is no longer permitted in the U.S. as a legal import.
2. Examine the details of the guitar. Do they seem to be done by hand or by machine? After 1970, guitars started being manufactured by machine and lost many of the individual detailing that made them unique. If every detail on the guitar is perfect and identical to others on the guitar, it is probably not an antique item.
3. Feel the wood on the guitar. If it is thin or slick, the guitar is probably modern. However, if the wood is a thick, solid piece, it is probably a vintage guitar. Look for irregularities on the wood that indicate hand working as opposed to machine manufacturing.
4. Look at the wood around the hardware. If it is darker around the hardware, the hardware is original to the piece and is probably an antique.
5. Learn about your individual guitar. There are indications that differ for each guitar type and manufacturer regarding antiques. Look up pictures of antique guitars and search for information about that guitar make and model. One website that offers such information is Vintage Guitar Info. (See Resources) You can also purchase books about antique guitars online, at your local bookstore or borrow one from your local library. One example is the "Official Vintage Guitar Magazine Price Guide," which lists information about antique guitars and has hundreds of illustrations and photos as well.
Tags: about antique, about antique guitars, antique guitars, around hardware, commonly used, guitar probably