After jacaranda flowers drop off the tree, they produce a terrible smell.
Jacaranda are native to Brazil and Argentina but are also found widely as curbside and ornamental trees in Los Angeles. The tree grows up to 45 feet tall. Jacarandas produce big clusters of brilliant blue flowers and have feathery pinnate leaves. The flowers produce flat hard pods which contain eight to 12 seeds. The seeds are small and surrounded by a papery membrane that helps them catch the wind and disperse. Does this Spark an idea?
1. Fill the bowl with water and put the seeds in to soak. Stir them around a bit with your finger so all sides get some water. Allow the seed to remain in the bowl for 24 hours.
2. Fill a seed tray with seed mix. Dig 1/2-inch depressions in the mix and plant a seed in each. In trays without cells, plant the seeds at least 1 1/2 inches apart. Brush seed mix over the seeds and then mist the tray until it is damp to the bottom of the soil. Place the lid on the seed tray.
3. Plug in a seed warming mat. Keep the seed mix damp by spraying it with water every two or three days. Germination will occur in two to three weeks, after which you need to place the tray in a semi-sunny location.
4. Move the seedlings when they have four or five pairs of true leaves. Plant them outdoors in climates where temperatures stay above 50 degrees Fahrenheit consistently. Amend the soil in the garden bed by digging a hole twice as wide and 2 inches deeper than the root ball of the seedling.
5. Add 2 inches of compost and mix it into the bottom of the hole. Spread the roots of the seedling and place it in the hole and then fill with the soil you removed. Water the planting area until puddles form on the surface of the soil.
6. Transplant the seedling to a 1 gallon pot in cold climates so you can move it indoors during cool periods. Transplant the seedling when it has four or five pairs of true leaves. Put the pot on a pot dolly to help you move it around. Mix 2 parts potting mix, 1 part compost and 1 part sand for drainage and fill the pot to within 2 inches of the rim.
Remove the seedling from its starting tray and fluff out the roots. Place it in the pot. Press down the soil to remove air pockets. Water the pot until the water flows out of the drainage holes. Water the tree weekly during the winter to simulate the monsoon season in its native habitat. Allow it to dry out before watering the remainder of the year.
Tags: five pairs, five pairs true, four five, four five pairs, pairs true, pairs true leaves, seed tray