Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Get The Pink Polka Dotted Dress On "Club Penguin"

On Disney's "Club Penguin," the pink polka-dotted dress is one of many pieces of clothing a player can purchase to put on a Penguin avatar. In the past, the dress has appeared in the "Penguin Style" catalog modeled on a rock music Penguin, as featured clothing on a page spread and on a Secrets hidden item pop-up window. Typically, the dress appears in preparation of the "Club Penguin" Music Jam party. As of this publication's date, only "Club Penguin" paid Members can purchase and wear the item.


1. Purchase a "Club Penguin" membership or have your parents get one for you. If you're already a "Club Penguin" Member, skip this step.

2. Go to the Gift Shop during the spring and summer months. Click the "Map" icon and then click the "Shops" icon. Click the "Penguin Style" button -- the image of an orange shirt with a yellow star print on a hanger -- to enter the Gift Shop.

3. Click a dressing room, or the "Penguin Style" catalog on the floor, to bring the catalog up on the screen. Flip through the pages to see if the dress has become available again as a featured or Secrets hidden item. To locate hidden items, click images on each page including penguin faces.

4. Buy the pink polka-dotted dress when you find it. Click the dress or the "Buy" tag and then confirm the purchase to buy it with Penguin Coins. The dress will transfer automatically to your Penguin's inventory.

Tags: Club Penguin, Penguin Style, Gift Shop, hidden item, Penguin Style catalog