Leather Sofa
A leather sofa is an excellent choice because it's durable, easy to care for and depending on the kind you choose, gets more beautiful with age. But which leather sofa is right for you? It's important to take a few things into consideration when making your choices. Read on for some pointers. Does this Spark an idea?
Choosing Your Real Leather Sofa
1. Measure the space where you'll be placing your sofa. Also be sure to measure the width and height of your doorway, to make sure whatever you decide on will fit in the door.
2. Decide on your price range. Leather couches can be genuine leather, partial leather or fabricated leather. The best is genuine leather, which is also known as "top-grain" or "full-grain"; this is also the most expensive choice. It will last the longest and grow more beautiful with age if it's well cared for.
The next highest grade is also full leather, known as "split-hide." This is less expensive, and also lower-quality leather that will crack more easily than top-grain. It will not produce the rich aging over time that a full-grain leather sofa will. The least expensive choices are the partial and fabricated leathers.
If you're on a tight budget, check local want ads for furniture sales in your city. Be sure to bring a friend along for safety and second opinions.
3. Match your sofa to your decor. The color and style of your sofa, and even the quality of leather you choose, will vary depending on where it's used. A sofa for an outdoor living room will be different from what you choose for a playroom or a family room. Leather sofas come in the same styles as other types of couches; standard sofas, sectionals, love seats, sleeper sofas and chaise lounges.
Tags: leather sofa, your sofa, beautiful with, genuine leather, Leather Sofa