Wednesday 28 January 2015

Help The Homeless In The Winter

Homeless people need extra help in the winter.

Helping homeless people during the winter is a kindhearted desire of many Americans. While most people sit in heated homes, others wander the cold winter streets with nowhere to go. What is the best way to help these people during the bitter winter months? People question whether money given to a homeless person is used for food or for dangerous recreational activities, such as drugs or alcohol. In the wintertime, there are more effective methods of helping the homeless than handing them money on the street.


1. Search through closets and bureaus for old clothes or blankets. Take these items to a local homeless shelter provided by the city or a non-profit organization. Organizations that help the homeless are consistently searching to restock these in-demand items.

2. Buy an extra can of food at the grocery store. Donate the food to a local food bank or homeless shelter. Even shelters which are federally funded will accept donations of unopened food. Spending an extra dollar at the grocery store will help provide a meal for a homeless person during the cold winter months. Suggested food items are pasta, sauce, juices, meats or canned fruits and vegetables.

3. Donate baby items to a women's shelter. Homeless mothers find themselves in need of products for their babies. Shelters will gladly accept donations of any type of baby item, and the shelter may not receive these items often.

4. Volunteer at a local soup kitchen. Some organizations, especially non profits, operate solely on volunteer work. Handing out food within a shelter or helping out behind the scenes is beneficial year round, but shelters are often under extra strain during the winter months.

Tags: winter months, accept donations, cold winter, during winter, grocery store, homeless person