In the video game "Moshi Monsters," account holders receive an invitation to become a Super Moshi and participate in missions to save or defeat in-game characters. During a Super Moshis mission, you play mini-games, solve puzzles and perform tasks. After you successfully complete the mission, you receive a reward, gain increased status among Super Moshis and get closer to becoming an A-List MonSTAR. All Super Moshis missions come from Super Moshis HQ at the Volcano. Getting a new mission requires that you meet several requirements and stay on the lookout for new mission announcements from HQ.
1. Become a "Moshi Monsters" Member. You can't participate in Super Moshis missions after completing the first mission if you have a free account. You must have a paid membership to continue playing as a Super Moshi.
2. Complete the last mission you went on for the Super Moshis before attempting to get a new mission.
3. Visit the Super Moshis HQ after any successfully completed mission to check whether a new mission is available.
4. Play games and care for your monster between missions by feeding it the foods that it likes and decorating its room so that it will level up and remain happy and healthy.
5. Click the "My News" monster box to the left of your monster's room door every day to check whether the Super Moshis have announced a new mission. If you see an announcement, close out of the My News screen and go to the Volcano for a mission debriefing.
6. Check out "Moshi Monsters" news outlets -- the "Moshi Monsters" news blog "The Daily Growl" and "Moshi Monsters Magazine" -- for updates about upcoming new Super Moshis missions. Go to the Volcano when a new mission is announced.
Tags: Super Moshis, Moshi Monsters, Moshis missions, Super Moshis missions, check whether, Monsters news, Moshi Monsters news